
Very proud and honored to have some of great shots taken by Citizen of the Verse. He is a master of 8k resolution wallpapers and if he go to his Twitter account, you will be able to download some extremely high quality wallpapers which showcase...

Me and NosdeBlack got together to take Top Gun screenshots inside of Star Citizen. This was all Nos's idea and what a great idea at that. We captured and edited shots that resembled the shots from the movie as much as possible. Here are the...

These are my top 12 wallpapers of Star Citizen from the year 2024. I had a blast playing Star Citizen this year and it really was something to be part of the community. This website got started this very year. Enjoy these 3440x1440 resolution wallpapers...

Star Citizen 8k Wallpapers by Irmdall. Carrying on from previous post, I am inviting other amazing Star Citizen virtual photographers to contribute their screenshots. So for month of NOV 2024 we have amazing IrmDall with his 10 high res wallpapers. If you click on the...

Star Citizen 8k Wallpapers by AndrewMi66. Starting a new thing here and inviting other amazing Star Citizen virtual photographers to contribute their screenshots. So for month of OCT 2024 we have amazing Andrewmi66 with his 10 8k wallpapers. If you click on the image, it...

Star Citizen Wallpapers for the month of September. These wallpapers are 3440x1440 in size and include Aegis Sabre Firebird, Mirai Razor, RSI Ursa Medivac, RSI Constellation Andromeda, Drake Herald, Origin M50 Interceptor, Valkyrie and prisoners of Klescher. Simply right click and download the ones you...

10 wallpapers for your desktop from the CIG game Star Citizen. These wallpapers include screenshots of Valhyrie, Cutlass Blue, Bunker running, Terrapin, 400i, RSI Ursa Medivac and Retalliator. ...

Here are the screenshot wallpapers from Star Citizen for the month of July 2024. These wallpapers include Aegis Firebird, 9Tails, Sangar Armor, Drake Cutter, Gatac Syulen, CO Nomad, Origin 400i, Origin X1 and others. Right click to download the files for 4k resolution. ...

Star Citizen screenshots for the month of June containing 9 Tails, Origin X1, Crusader C1, Drake Cutlass Black, Ursa medivac, Origin Jump 890, Port Olisar Space station, Duster soldiers posing as Dune and a landscape shot of Cellin moon.  ...

Various screenshots that I have captured inside Star Citizen last year. These screenshots include Drake Corsair, Constellation Andromeda, Avenger Titan, Origin 400i, CO Nomad, Kruger Merlin 52 and a shot of the bunker. ...

10 screenshots from the Spheres Collection Screenshots taken isnide Star Citizen and then photo shopped with the theme of Spheres. ...