Star Citizen Starter Ship Art Collection

Star Citizen Starter Ship Art Collection

High resolution versions of all the artworks can be obtained from my ko-fi account for free.

1/10 – RSI Aurora

First Artwork – RSI Aurora – The Original ship that starts everything up for a lot of people in Star Citizen. I had to draw it. While drawing this artwork I realized how much detail CIG artists have put into this seemingly simple flying brick. Not that easy to draw as various sections have a lot of detail.
RSI Aurora LensNation Artwork

2/10 – Origin 100i

Second Artwork – Origin 100i – One of the finest starter ships you can have due to its agility, speed and the fact that you park it anywhere you want with ease. Not that easy to draw as the ship has curves all across and to define them in the artwork was a bit hard. As always, high-res file is available on my Ko-fi.
Star Citizen Origin 100i Art LensNation

3/10 – Gatac Syulen

Third Artwork – Gatac Syulen. If aliens were to come, their ships will be extremely weird and extraordinary to human designs. However, what if an alien manufacturer wanted to create a design catered to humans? In my opinion, Gatac Syulen comes very close to represent that. Everything in this ship is so alien and yet- closer to us. I drew this second in this series, and the pull was very hard. It all got entangled in. creating a video about it and flying it for a month in game. Truly genius.
Star Citizen Gatac Syulen Art LensNation

4/10 – CO Nomad

For the fourth artwork in the series, I decided to draw my absolute favorite ship in the game- Nomad. This is my in game pledged ship and i have used it for so much grind that I truly feel that Nomad is my home away from home. I like its design, sleekness and the cockpit above all. The only thing I do not like is the hover style landing gear.
Star Citizen CO Nomad Art LensNation

5/10 – Anvil C8R Pisces

Anvil C8R Pisces is a very useful and used ship in Star Citizen, however, it is the ship I have very rarely used. I think I have flown it about 2-3 times at best. I just somehow find it to be too small for my taste. However, this artwork has come out to be one of my finest so far. I loved drawing the red skies behind it. Well, we have now set the precedent. Rest of the artworks will have some cool environments in them.
Star Citizen Anvil Pisces Art LensNation

6/10 – Drake Cutter

Artwork 6 of 10 for the Startership collection is a Drake Cutter. Despite being Drake, this little fella is quite a cool package & my favourite artwork so far. Thanks to the supporters who watched the art stream for this one
Drake Cutter Artwork LensNation

7/10 – Aegis Avenger Titan

Time for us all to acknowledge the penguin. This was the ship I upgraded to after really falling in love with the game. I love the iconic canopy dip this ship has, it is such a love letter to NASA space shuttles. The NASA design language really shines through. In this artwork, I also took my background painting to next level.
Star Citizen Artwork Avenger Titan LensNation

8/10 – CO Mustang

The best best cockpit, best lines and almost screaming anime at you. I have been looking forward to draw the Mustang and it was a pleasure drawing those lines. This was my original pledged ship and what made me fall in love with Star Citizen, even though it had no cargo space back then 🙂
Star Citizen Mustang Ship Artwork

9/10 – Reliant Tana

The ship I like the design quite a lot but have rarely ever flown. It has the best cockpit and the landing gear animation… period! More than drawing the Tana itself, I really got into drawing the background. This actually is a proper fully painted artwork, which I later sliced into a chunk.
Star Citizen Reliant Tana Artwork


Unknown Ship placeholder