2nd in Anzia Racing Anti-Gravity Racing League 2954

2nd in Anzia Racing Anti-Gravity Racing League 2954

Today LensNation Racing team participated in Anti-Gravity Racing League 2954 race at Lorville. Our team was comprised of me, Joroph-Koraka, JungPlunga and Simmortus. Me and Joro raced in Feiser league with Origin Velocity X1 and Jung raced in Icarus league with his Nox. Sim was our comms and transporter.

The game was full of desync and it was tough going. A lot of crashes and explosions without any reasons. Still Anzia ran a very tight event and facilitated the event as best as they could have done.

In the end, I was able to come 2nd in my class and 3rd in global. Jungplunga came 19th and Joro was DNF. Great event and fun in the end.

Accompanying EchoBit is me and JungPlunga
Accompanying EchoBit is me and JungPlunga

Massive amount of people were part of the race
Massive amount of people were part of the race

Lensnation Racing team all set to go
Lensnation Racing team all set to go

The Final standings in 3 classes
Anti Gravity race Results

The winners for each class in Anti Grav Race
Anzia Racing Anti Gravity Race Winners

The prizes for each class in Anti Grav Race
Anzia Racing Anti Gravity Race Prizes